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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

My train of thought during a typical journey in the UAE
Where did I leave my rather non descript white car? (more than half the cars are white to reflect the heat)

I'll just walk around a bit in the likely area and click the button and look for the car that flashes...
There it is!
Doh, I'm just going to but my bag on the (driver) passenger seat and then walk nonchalantly round to the (passenger) driver's side and get in.
Thankfully this car is automatic because I can change gears OR drive on the wrong side of the road but NOT BOTH.
Put the car into DRIVE.
We drive on the right here.
Turn on Abu Dhabi ClassicFM.
We go round roundabouts the wrong way.
Remember to drive on the right.
5 lane motorways yay!
1st lane is lorries (trucks) and work vehicles
5th lane is Emiratis in ridiculously big and fast cars. Some of the 4x4s are so big they remind me of being a child and playing with toy cars from different places and some of them being ridiculously out of proportion. Nissan does this huge 4x4 which looks like a Nissan Micra but out of proportion to all the other cars - they make me laugh!

2nd 3rd and 4th lanes are for normal driving.
Whoa looks like a nasty crash (most weeks I see some kind of crash on the side of the road) hopefully it's only the crazy drivers who crash into each other in the fast lane, I stay out of their way but say a prayer for my safety please!
Hmmm sign all in Arabic, hope there's an English one later....
When the roads change they tend to add more signs rather than change or remove any existing ones so it's quite interesting trying to find the most efficient route somewhere - although doing something the most efficient way isn't the most important thing for most people here!
Find wherever I'm going - not too easy as some places seem move...
Park the car (or let a valet park it depending where it is).
Lock the car.
Look around for land marks to help me find it again (last night - in front of the Carrefore English sign (where I bought marmite!), to the right of the palm trees).
Repeat from the top.